The Christians on Campus club has been a constant ever since I began school at UNC in Fall 2018. I remember being very eager to meet new people as soon as school started, and from the first time I met with the community members in Christians on Campus, I felt like I could talk to them about anything. Although I still had other responsibilities and school work to deal with, anytime I had a problem or simply wanted to chat, I could reach out and someone would answer the call. The students and local families have provided me with so many delicious meals, hugs, rides to the grocery store, and even places to nap between my classes that I am so thankful for. At the same time, I get to enjoy Jesus with them and have my faith be strengthened with other believers, many of whom have much more life experience than me.

We have a weekly Bible Study on Wednesday evenings in the Union which I try to attend when I can. It's always a good pick-me-up when you have a difficult start to the week and need something new. I have enjoyed many meals at these meetings, both spiritually and physically. It resets my day and gives me the energy to push through to Friday. Even when I'm too busy to come, usually a student or volunteer will call me to ask if they can bring me leftover food so that I'm not scrambling to find dinner. Everyone takes care of you like family and it really makes you feel loved.

One special club event that sticks out to me was the Fall 2019 Southeast College Conference. This was a retreat in Georgia with students from sister Christians on Campus clubs in the Southeastern states, and it was so awesome to get to see a bunch of people my age all praising the Lord together. We sang worship songs, listened to gospel messages, bonded during rec time, and most importantly enjoyed Jesus! I actually didn't decide to go until the deadline to sign up, but I am so glad I went. Although I had 4 exams the next week, I don't feel like I wasted any studying time because my schedule was taken care of by God. At the end of the weekend, I felt so refreshed and actually ended up getting good grades on all of my tests- which really helped me experience Philippians 4:13: "I am able to do all things in Him who empowers me". This conference was truly a blessing and I'm excited to go again in the future!

-L.W., Biostatistics and Linguistics, Class of 2022 UNC Chapel Hill


“I get to enjoy Jesus with them and have my faith be strengthened with other believers”